Heat-treated wheat flour is highly suitable for the production of savory foods such as natural sauces, soups, and gravies. When it comes to preparing thermally processed or dry mix foods, essential functional characteristics include heat, acid, and shear stability. This process requires specific controlled conditions, including precise moisture addition, a short residence time during drying, and both direct and indirect heat input. Hosokawa Micron offers an excellent solution for the thermal treatment of wheat flour, combining the Nauta® conical screw mixer and the DMR flash mill dryer.
The process begins by loading wheat flour into the Nauta mixer, which is equipped with a heating jacket. Inside the mixer, the flour is mixed with steam and cooked for an adjustable period of 20-40 minutes. Once the cooking cycle is complete, the mixer is rapidly unloaded into an intermediate jacketed hopper. From there, the product is directly fed into the DMR flash dryer, where it is milled and dried within a few seconds, resulting in a dry powder.